Connie The Cone is an animated character from the Roadside Heroes Bundle by Maviorb, embodying the spirit of traffic safety. Standing tall and vibrant in orange and white, Connie is always ready to help guide drivers and pedestrians safely through construction zones and roadworks. With a cheerful disposition and an unwavering dedication to promoting safety, Connie is the ultimate roadside hero. Whether teaching children about the importance of road signs or assisting in traffic control, Connie brings a touch of fun and education to every scenario. Connie's lively animations and interactive features make learning about road safety engaging and memorable for audiences of all ages.Get notified when this puppet is ready! 👇🏼
Roadside Heroes
Promote road safety with the Roadside Heroes Bundle. This collection features essential traffic safety characters, including a Traffic Cone and a Helmet puppet. Perfect for educational and safety campaigns, these animated puppets bring important road safety messages to life in a fun and engaging way.